Do you all not see this? This is just like urban predicted. These lost social robots know nothing of natural seduction using sexual tension.
They will now rebel with full force and bring down their false gods. History repeats itself, this has happened countless times before.
To fight it, use the mantra "Do not assimilate, just escalate."
Repeat this over and over until the feeling goes away.
I fully agree. The backlash has started. This site, the boards, forums...its been too long that this crap has been dispensed and tons of guys are just not getting anything for it...
It will probably be RSD followed by Lovesystems followed by Stylelife and the rest....like dominoes...
The problem here is that guys like me were screwed money wise by the likes of Savoy and never given any value in return....
Oh yeah, we got stupid lines and such but we really never learned how and why it works and as men we think that way...we are not robots that just follow lock step until something good comes out of it...so I think we will start seeing some ugly stuff..Its pent up sexual frustrations over lousy product and info...very simple...
ha ha. Jesus fucking christ! These dudes are so fuckin detached it's fucking pathetic. Some choice lines:
"...I had 3 wannabe fighters in the past week try and start shit with me and I just yell at them and flip the bird. I think 1 of those would have been safe to headlock and then push off and call a faggot."
"...I bet my buddy Anthony has one up on you...He got punched in the face HARD by a girl, on the streets of the LES in NYC."
"Funny how girls' reality can just change based on their peers' reactions." - yea, real funny how that works clitbag! lol
"BTW, just to clarify, I've been choking fools and calling them "faggots" and various other unsavory names for several years now, all over the world, including Spain (where Ozzie and I used to strip drug dealers of their girls by violently MOCK-BUTTFUCKING THEM in Placa Reial) and nothing has ever happened"
"actually was a little fagot boy, and when I asked the girls he was with if that was his little brother...I guess he went and got three of his big BIG brothers. I'm sure that would've ended up BAD eventually if I got physical with the little kid, and especially the big dbag toughguys."
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"So, I say, "Okay, faggot." And he gets all bent like "OMGWTF did u call me" and I say "Hahahah yes, faggot faggot" and put him in a headlock and start choking him. You know, the usual. "
**yup, rsd = PURE faggotry.
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I have to pay $800 to david d
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they hear all of jeffy's stories about how he calls everybody around 'a fag' etc. and they try to imitate him.
they forget that he's doing it in some SF semi gay student clubs, as opposed to their ghetto home town
also they forget that he's beefed himself up so people aren't eager to start a fight with him
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Also his stories are made up most of the time.